Frequently Asked Questions

Despite our best efforts, people do ask us questions, so to try to nip this in the bud, we've put the most commonly posted questions here.

Do Qunts really rule the world?

We certainly don't want to boast, but yes.

Qunts have been secretly making laws and manipulating the media for your own good for longer than you may think. 

Is there a collective noun for Qunts?

There are many collective nouns that people use:

The most common of which is a 'Bunch', or 'Bunch of Qunts'.

Conservative members may be referred to as a 'Right Bunch of Qunts'

Early Norwegian Kings may be referred to as 'Ferking Qunts'

If I join Qunts, will I become rich and powerful?

No. Exsisting members reserve the right to decide what is best for everyone else, including new members.

As a Qunts member, can I affect policy decisions?

Don't be silly. Now you're just being naive - but we like that!