• Welcome to Qunts

    We QUestion Nothing and Trust the System.

    You can too!

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    Qunts are everywhere, but you do tend to find more in financial industries and in cities in general.

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  • Contact Us

    Because of our belief in not asking questions but trusting in the system, it is unlikely that any question that you may have will be answered, but if you'd like to voice your opinion, this is where you can do it.

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  • Find Out More

    Obviously we won't tell you everything, that would go against our ethics, but we have prepared some answers for commonly asked questions.

    Read our FAQ's

QUNTS is a new web site for those of you who, like us, Question Nothing and Trust the System.

A lot of the problems of the world today can be put down to people asking awkward questions and not trusting in the system. You can help us to bring ignorance to the people and make the world a better place.

The world can be run so much better if everyone was like us Qunts. You too can help to make the world easy to govern by not asking questions and trusting in the system.

Join Us! 

We encourage you to read about our opposition. Frankly they are so pathetic, we're pretty confident you'll agree with us Qunts all the more.

Visit the Twaqus Here...Find out all about Wanqus...

Help others to create the empire that they so richly deserve.